Avaldatud: 03.05.2024 | Autor: Oriflame

Tasakaalus pH-tase on võtmetähtsusega naha tervises ja intiimpiirkonna õiges hoolduses. Aga mis see pH on ja kuidas see mõjub meie kehale? Meie küsimustele vastab ekspert Lorna Daly.

Mis on pH?

pH on ladinakeelse termini Potentia hydrogenii lühend ja tähendab vesiniku ioonide kontsentratsiooni. pH mõistega iseloomustatakse lahuste happelisust või aluselisust ja võrdluseks kasutatakse skaalat 0 kuni 14. Number annab teada, kas lahus on happeline, aluseline või neutraalne. Neutraalse lahuse pH on 7. Mida happelisem on lahus, seda väiksem on selle pH väärtus ning mida aluselisem on lahus, seda suurem on pH.

Mis on naha pH-tase?

Normaalse naha pH-tase on 5,5 – seega on inimese naha pealispind kergelt happeline.

Is the pH level of the skin the same throughout the body?

Isn't. The pH level in the intimate area of a woman is lower – about 3.5-4.5. Like the skin of other areas of the body, the skin in the intimate area with an unbalanced pH level loses its normal defenses. As the skin's defenses drop, sensitivity increases and various signs of irritation may occur.

What can we do to keep the pH in balance?

During menstruation, it is important to regularly change sanitary towels and tampons. It is also important to use the right detergents. Avoid harsh soaps and shower gels on the delicate area. To take care of the hygiene of the intimate area, choose a special care created for this purpose, such as Feminelle. The series of products for intimate care are in optimal balance with the pH level to protect the microbiome of the region. The products contain lactic acid, prebiotics and natural extracts that ensure a feeling of well-being. The good news is also that the products have a biodegradable composition and do not pollute the environment.
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